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Our wonderful dog, Piper, modeling for the cover of the Local Living section in the Washington Post

Our wonderful dog, Piper, modeling for the cover of the Local Living section in the Washington Post

The Washington Post, October 2017

"How a Family Made a 1900 Rowhouse Their Own Without Breaking the Bank"

It was such a privilege working with Jura Koncius and photographer Mike Morgan for this article. They invested both their time and energy in getting to know our family and capturing our great appreciation for our DC home.

Jura Koncius and I teamed up to answer your design questions during a live chat on the Washington Post website

Jura Koncius and I teamed up to answer your design questions during a live chat on the Washington Post website

The Washington Post, October 2017

"How to do a Budget-Minded Redo in a Small Home"

Be sure to check out the design Q&A I did with the Washington Post for practical design tips. Learn how to use wallpaper in small spaces and read some of my tips for customizing furniture through easy DIY projects!

Photographer Liz Calka spent the day capturing all of the personal details of our home

Photographer Liz Calka spent the day capturing all of the personal details of our home

Apartment Therapy, November 2017

"Cozy, Southern Charm in a Hundred-Year-Old D.C. Family Row House"

It was an absolute joy spending the day with Apartment Therapy's Liz Calka as she explored our home and interviewed us about what it's like to bring a little southern hospitality and flare to a DC row house.